
Smashing Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

This post features 25 free desktop wallpapers created by artists across the globe for September 2011. Both versions with a calendar and without a calendar can be downloaded for free. It’s time to freshen up your wallpaper!


Designed by Vlad Gerasimov from Russia.

Flamingo 23 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Colorful Apple

"Green, unripe apple takes on juicy colors." Designed by Mypoint from Poland.

Colorful Apple 96 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011


Designed by Mohd. Aaqib from India.

Lighthouse 90 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

September Bliss

"A simple and tasteful wallpaper for this year’s first fall month.The right amount of color, a hint of cheerfullness and style that blurs that line between the illustration and the calendar, makes one blissfull wallpaper theme." Designed by from United Kingdom.

September Bliss 76 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

September Breeze…

Designed by Christina Balanou from Greece.

Breeze 99 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Thank You

"It’s an illustration I made to say “Thank you” to a friend. :)." Designed by Stanimira Petrova from Bulgaria.

Thank You Soft 12 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Things Are Looking Up

"I was shooting a wedding and was searching for perfect light. I convinced my bride and groom to keep climbing up to the top of the mountain we were on, as soon as we crested the summit the shy sun was waiting for us and the sky burst alive. It was perfect. The early fall sun was headed back south and the air had that slight crisp to it. Winter was coming but not here yet. The very moment the groom saw the landscape in front of him unfold, he quietly spoke to his new bride “things are looking up”. She giggled a laugh only a newlywed could. Keep your head up – things are looking up." Designed by Las Vegas Wedding Photographers from USA.

Thingslookingup 14 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

City Of Antwerp

"I took this picture of the skyline of Antwerp on a sunny afternoon. The skyline looked a bit different today though, it was a obstructed by a big boat, you can still see the cathedral at the left though. I hope you like the wallpaper!" Designed by Yentl (design 311) from Belgium.

City Of Antwerp 90 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Got Ink?

"I guess we ran out of ink…" Designed by Almog Shemesh from Israel.

Got Ink 71 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011


Designed by Tomek Walecki from Poland.

Geometric 23 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Big Dinner

"Autumn is the right time for stock up in vitamins." Designed by from Russia.

Big Dinner 1 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Pyre In The Sky

"With September comes the distinctive feeling that Summer is over and Winter is fast approaching. But in the East Coast, Fall translates into a glorious palette of brilliant warm tones burnished oranges, yellows, reds as the leaves change color. It is as if the lazy, hazy remanents of Summer are being vanquished by a pyre in the sky." Designed by Jen Cheng from Canada.

Pyre In The Sky 22 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

La Mesa

"This is the leg of a table in the Queretaro Regional Museum (Mexico). Just love it!" Designed by Alicia Ramirez from Canada/Mexico.

La Mesa 50 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Feel Free!

Designed by Dana Gerigk from Germany.

Feel Free 71 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011


"These images were taken of Nicole Marquez in one of her first studio dance sessions since falling three years ago from her sixth story apartment window. She was internally decapitated, broke her lower back, pelvis and all the ribs on one side. Doctors thought she wouldn’t make it through the night for she lay on an 8 inch broken bottle for over 8 hours before being discovered. She is steadily recovering and proved the doctors wrong in that she not only walked again but she dances and teaches others. She’s a motivational speaker and a living miracle. Here are more links to her story. and this is her website." Designed by Talamieka Brice.

Nicolewallpaper 52 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

School Fun

"Going to school should be fun. I illustrated a fun little character who loves school and motivates kids to perceive it as educational and fun." Designed by Hayat Sheikh from Lebanon.

School Fun 2 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Red Beetle

Designed by Oxana Kostromina from Russia/Germany.

Red Beetle 46 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Peacefall Critters

"Cute and cuddly fall wallpaper that’s just sure to keep away that autumn gloom. This was a welcome mood changer for our designers to make and we hope it will be for you aswell." Designed by from United Kingdom.

Peacefall Critters 12 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

"The story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a seagull who is bored with the daily squabbles over food." Designed by Monika Holeckova from Slovakia.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull 94 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Yellow Submarine

"The dog is exploring in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine." Designed by Rachel Cronover from United States of America.

Yellow Submarine 30 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011


Designed by Laurebc from France.

Salamander 49 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Moods & Moments

"In our routine life we are always behaving with our moods. some moods and moments are not easy to is always leaves impressions in our mind. Here is the idea how looks the collage of moods & moments." Designed by Hiren Rawal from India.

Moods N Moments 72 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Love And Friendship

"In my country, September is the month of love and friendship, a month full of presents and lots of fellowship, flowers gifts and kisses invade every corner of my beautiful country Colombia." Designed by Jose Luis Rodriguez Martinez (pu+) from Colombia.

Love Friends 7 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: September 2011

Join In Next Month!

1 comment:

  1. Wallpapers can serve as an excellent source of inspiration. However, if you use a specific wallpaper for a long period of time.
